

In this special edition of the Park Leaders Show, Brennan McAuley and retired Director of the National Park Service, Jonathan Jarvis, discuss the value of relationships in leadership and mentorship roles. When leading through mentorship, it’s essential to view counsel as a two-way street. Even in new hire situations, knowing where and when to receive advice and where and when to give advice is critical to professional development. For instance, when is the best time to criticize a subordinate? When is the best time to take on an outside project during an exceptional circumstance? What qualifies as an exceptional circumstance? Often, it takes building quality relationships to not only mature the intelligence around our skill, but serve in light of our limitations and potential. No matter what we do as leaders from self-learning to conflict management, the key is seeing effectiveness as groundwork laid for future generations. Put another way, the drive and passion we employ today sets the tone for tomorrow.