Linkedin's Work In Progress

Is Universal Basic Income Anti-American?



With some 57% of jobs around the world at risk of being displaced by automation, some members of the tech community and beyond think giving people money, for free, no strings attached, might be the only way to keep the economy moving forward. But what do the workers who are at risk of losing their jobs actually think? In this episode, Chip and Caroline connect universal basic income experts with workers across the country to discuss a future where fewer and fewer of us have jobs. Michael Faye, the co-founder of GiveDirectly, discusses his non-profit’s experiments with universal basic income in Africa and Elizabeth Rhodes, the head of universal basic income research for Y Combinator, reveals some details from pilots the startup accelerator is conducting in Oakland, Calif. Caroline and Chip ask Michael and Elizabeth to respond to the strong opinions against universal basic income that they are hearing from workers across industries.  Hosts: Caroline Fairchild and Chip Cutter. Producers: Dave Pond and Florenci