Skyler Irvine Audio Channel

11: Robert Thornton - Doing More For Those In Need



Robert Thornton was born and raised in Northern California, and had a passion and drive for baseball all his life. His plan was to become a Major League Baseball player and according to him there was simply no other option. At 27, his body would no longer support his passion for baseball, and he was at a loss. His identity was shattered and he felt he had nowhere to turn. Fast forward years later, and Robert is the CEO of two companies. His story is incredibly inspiring and his generosity is contagious throughout the community. He started Paper Clouds Apparel a few years after he lost baseball. Inspired by a drawing from a child, and the thought of a cool looking T-Shirt, Thornton launched the company and has since been able to utilize the art work of people with special needs, and create jobs for them in the community. He also runs Cloud Covered Streets, a nonprofit that is working to provide better care for the homeless. With this company, Robert has handed out over 1300 new shirts, socks, shoes, food, wate