Skyler Irvine Audio Channel

Electrical Engineer with a Full-Time Side Hustle w/ Guest Amanda Freick | #56



Combine an electrical engineer, a bikini competitor, and an entrepreneur and now you have Amanda Freick! Let us know your questions from this episode in the comments! Skyler is sitting down with Amanda Freick! She is an amazing Boss Babe ( ), a mom, and entrepreneur, and a great conversation! We're diving into: - What got Amanda into fitness? - Why being competitive has been an advantage - Why slowly building a side hustle is great - Being an electrical engineer in the utility industry and how people like Elon Musk are changing everyone approach to energy - Why it's okay to be passionate about your corporate job! - How being entrepreneurial helps you in your corporate life - Why we are set to see a huge shift in control of the Energy and Political spheres over the next 5 years - WHAT DEFINES SUCCESS TO YOU? - Why you CAN'T be like everyone else! - The 2 Philosophies of An Entrepreneur - YOU HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FIRST - Starting a brand and creating custom bikini's