Skyler Irvine Audio Channel

When You Bet on Yourself, Go All In with guest Jim Grieshaber | The Skyler Irvine Show #59



A look in the mind of a UFC Announcer... Jim Grieshaber has over 20 years experience in sports media ranging from interviewing Michael Jordan to announcing live UFC events. Today Jim is a tv / radio host for Roy Jones Jr. Boxing promotions and the producer / host of the Cage Side Seat MMA podcast. We're going into: - How do you become an MMA announcer? - Diving into the ASU wrestling culture that went into MMA - Selling his own ads for his radio show - TV vs Radio - The first time you get recognized in public - Why you should work for free - Why ESPN sucks - GETTING TO INTERVIEW MICHAEL JORDAN - Why everything in life is SELLING - Why you should always bet on yourself - You're only competing with yourself - EVERYONE needs to learn social media - Why you should find out where the scarcity is and go after it - Using your Facebook as a tool - Getting rid of toxic relationships - Where is the future of BOXING? - Where is the future of MMA? - Why fight sports are ENTERTAINMENT NOT COMPETITION You can find out more