The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

423: The Creative Idea Journey Within Companies



People are very creative, although many would not describe themselves that way.  This is often the case because the environment they have experienced has been unfriendly toward innovation.  Had they been given the right opportunity to be creative, then a lot of excellent previously untapped ideas would have come forth.  In firms, we do have idea sessions and sometimes even specific brainstorming sessions, but it is rare that these actually produce anything other than a major hole in our calendar.  Or sometimes we have the opposite problem.  There are some really good ideas generated and then nothing is ever done with them. They duly join all the other great, but wasted “dead on arrival” ideas, in the communal graveyard for corporate innovation.  Even if the leaders have done a good job and created a culture favouring innovation, there are still many leagues to travel, before any of these idea ever see their application light of day.    Ideas start individually.  The stimulation for the idea can come from anyw