The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

424: Leaders Having Visions Were Disparaged



I remember the mockery, the cynical sneering, the derision about leaders having “visions”. The implication was they had lost the plot and were lurching into psychobabble. Being a cynical Aussie, I was probably one of the smarty pants commentariat pronouncing the whole thing a ragged jest.  Why was that?  I wish I had taken notes, but my memory tells me the content of those early leader vision efforts were trite, humdrum platitudes and so easily able to double hat as viable cures for insomnia.  So much has changed and the vision, mission and values of the organisation have become staples of leadership culture building focus.  A lot of the results of these efforts are still dubious though and It would be a good thing if your staff knew what the vision, mission and values actually were.  Objectively, if you can’t recall them, then it is impossible to own them or live them.   Unfortunately, staff don’t know them in many cases.  How do I know this? One of the party tricks for trainers going into corporate environm