Agency Journey

Becoming an Agency Expert Through HubSpot Academy with Kevin Dunn



Kevin Dunn is the Manager of Education with HubSpot Academy. Kevin leads the professor groups responsible for partner and developer education. He also owns the Agency Partner Certification course and educates people about agency growth and success.In addition to this, Kevin is a public speaker who delivers presentations at HubSpot’s INBOUND conference and agency events across the globe. Kevin also hosts the Agency Unfiltered podcast, where he discusses agency operations and growth with agency owners.In this episode…HubSpot has marketing, sales, and service software to help your business grow without compromise. But as an agency owner, there are multiple software companies vying for your attention. So, what sets HubSpot apart?Kevin Dunn, the Manager of Education with HubSpot Academy, would say it’s the education component. The company’s built-in training helps agency partners know how to build integrations, price and package new services, and so much more. In a world of people who claim to be experts — why not