Girls Chase Podcast

28: Franco Lombardi | Gauging a Woman’s Comfort on Dates



Today once again I feature Franco, with whom I’ve done several podcasts. We met up in San Diego over New Years and talked about a girl’s comfort on dates, which is a sticking point I had late last year, where it was difficult to tell how comfortable a girl was on a date, which made it tough to move things forward. Franco always tells me about his excellent track record on dates, as he was closing 9 out of 10 girls he would take on dates with him. What helps is his ability to gauge a girl’s comfort and where she is emotionally on a date. Knowing a girl’s comfort level and emotions are key in the moment, as this allows you to determine what you need to do to move a date forward toward intimacy – and very importantly, when. Girls also often give mixed signals to test a guy, and a good guy should know how to handle these tests as he moves the process along with a girl. In this podcast, we talk about how to determine a girl’s comfort level early on a date, the adjustments in vibe we need to make to make her m