Mindful Chatter

Chatter Episode - Staring Right Back



I wrote this recently and recorded it alone. Miss you Rachel! Miss you Alain! I miss you too! - Fab --- So many of us would like to pretend that we are different, that we wouldn’t stand by the same thing happening in “our” country, in “our” time, in “our” space. Of course, it depends on what you mean by “our” which in my experience doesn’t include me, members of my family, or a number of individuals/groups that I call friends/mentors/guides/loves. Evil doesn’t look like a caricature. It looks like you, it looks like me, it looks like apathy. It appears in the form of compliance to those who utilize hate-mongering for political ends. It shows itself through the fact it limits boundaries and borders but doesn’t extend protection to vulnerable populations. It refuses to acknowledge the trauma and hurt that it perpetuates. It doesn’t take responsibility for damages or how many lives are lost to accomplish an end. No one is above this. Start looking at others as your equal, as your reincarnated self. For a mom