Transformations With Jayne

Magic can happen when we take responsibility in our lives



It's been nearly 9 years exactly since my world was turned completely upside down. One minute I was a first time mother expecting a baby and living a very usual life in a small town in Japan (just your average kind of life! ha ha!).  The next minute a massive earthquake and tsunami has set off the worst natural and man made disaster in the history of the world. My house became uninhabitable for a 7 months pregnant woman, I thought we'd lost everything. I had one small bag of clothes and the car we drove away from Fukushima in.  We thought we might never see our old life again.  Fast forward 9 years and here I am living a most unexpected life in Sweden. Not Japan at all.  This week I'm discussing how we can change the course of our lives with tiny seemingly insignificant steps forwards.  I also talk about a workshop I held for parents here in Sweden, despite the fact that I am "new" and despite that "I don't know much about Gothenburg yet"... I'd love to hear how you are not letting things keep you from trying