Fitness Business University With Vince Gabriele

Vince's New Coaching Program



I’m coming out with a new program next month called the Marketing Master Insiders Club. It’s designed to give gym owners the opportunity to do business coaching with me at a very affordable investment.   The focus will be to make you the master of your marketing so you can get more members and drive cash to your bottom line.   It includes the following 4 Components:   1. Vince’s Marketing Newsletter (Print)–   This is the ONLY fitness business print newsletter published by an active gym owner in the world! This will share with you everything that our most successful gym owners are doing to Market their gym – so you can copy them! We send this to you every 30 days to make sure you can never be stuck for ideas to bring in new clients …   Note: The first issue will be shipped in early September   2. Live Monthly Group Coaching Call – every month you’ll get access to me where I can personally answer your most pressing business questions. 3. Access to a Private Members Website– here you can listen back to the repl