Love God Love One Another

Moments - The Gifts of Chirstmas



Today we begin our four-week Advent message series: The Gifts of Christmas. At a time when the world wants you to speed up - go to more parties, wrap more presents, buy all the things --Jesus wants you to slow down. Remember that the gifts of this Advent season don't come tied with a bow. Instead, they remind us of gratitude (remember Thanksgiving?) that God is in our midst each and every day. Today we'll learn about The Gift of Moments. You might feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to do it all. Maybe you feel like your best time has gone by. Or like you're waiting for your real life to begin. Wherever you are in your life journey, God promises you moments of communion with Him. Moments where the clock stops - and you feel the Holy Spirit in your midst. Today we'll remember those moments and give thanks for Jesus' giving them to us this season and every season.