Love God Love One Another

What We Do - Where Do I Fit?



Today is the final week of our Where Do You FIT series. For the past three weeks, we've been talking about how we as individuals fit into the Body of Christ: the church. We've learned how we come together, how each person is important, and how to be present together in times of rejoicing and in times of suffering. This final week we'll put it into practice—asking ourselves as individuals and as a church: as the body of Christ: What do we DO? You'll learn action steps we take together as a church, and we'll be sharing examples of apostles, prophets, teachers, deeds of power, gifts of healing and more, right here at Messiah. As followers of Jesus, we are called into action—knowing that our action is blessed, even when we are persecuted. So take heart, you are fit for action and it's time to get to work for God's Kingdom.