Andy Petranek Podcast

73: Rafe Furst - on Fine Tuning Your Decision-Making for Optimal Long-Term Results



Rafe Furst, graduate from Stanford in computer science, has seen his share of swings in the tech and business world, having been involved with startups since the mid 1990’s. He’s also an avid poker player, both in private games and public tournaments, once winning a World Series of Poker Championship. He’s raised millions for charitable causes over the years and is currently a pioneer in Quantitative Venture Capital, a nascent field based on the convergence of equity crowdfunding, complexity economics and securities law reform. I asked Rafe to be on the podcast because of an intriguing question he asked me during our first phone conversation. I was telling him about the 7 Habits of the Whole Life Challenge, and he posed a question, “What if there were an 8th Habit that you inadvertently built in without knowing it - the habit of good decision making?” I needed to know more... Inherent to the WLC as well as pretty much anything in your life is the necessity to make decisions. Some are easy, every day, almost