Andy Petranek Podcast

148: Josh Mantz - Back From the Dead With a Message About Living



Available On:   iTunes  | Google Play  | Stitcher  | Spotify  Josh Mantz graduated from West Point in 2005 and received the Purple Heart and Bronze Star with Valor while serving in combat in Iraq. In 2007, Josh died after suffering a gunshot wound in Baghdad, only to be miraculously revived by an expert medical team after his heart stopped for a full fifteen minutes. To chronicle his journey back from the dead to a place of truly living, Josh wrote his #1 best-selling book, The Beauty of a Darker Soul. The book carries a universal message about trauma that empowers people to transcend through their most challenging experiences. From Andy: The most compelling part of Josh's story is, of course, his experience with death (he remembers every detail of the last few minutes of his life.) But after peeling some layers back, it becomes clear that that was just the start of his journey. Today, after working through his own demons, he is committed to helping others through their mental, emotional, and spiritual crises