The Wellness Café With Dr. Jon

044: Beyond Bones: The Non-Traditional Approach to Health with Dr. Ryan Bones



Originally from South Dakota, Dr. Ryan Bones graduated from the University of Nebraska with a degree in Biological Sciences before receiving his Doctorate of Chiropractic from Parker University in Dallas, TX. He specializes in neurologically based chiropractic corrective care for everyone from pregnant moms and newborns to teens and adults. Dr. Ryan’s biggest calling in life is spreading the message of true health. He recently gave a TEDx talk at Southern Methodist University entitled “Dr. YOU: Understanding Your Very Own Superpower”. Discussion Chiropractic and Nervous System “Most people don’t set the bar too high and miss, they set too low and hit.” Work Life Balance Healing + Happiness + Love Finding their “WHY” Dr. Bones’ stress reduction method Allowing “space” and Pre Frame your day “Metaphorical Coathook” concept Leave your SH*T at the door Links Simon Sinek's "Start with Why"