Brilliant Observations

Scream Therapy | Brilliant Observations 015



Jessica spent some much needed time away from home. One day at Universal for scream therapy made it a rewarding trip. Jessica talks about her life re-entry class and how it led her back to her first love...tap dancing!! What are the best TV sitcoms of all time?? Facebook sharing/lurking/memorial pages. What is your legacy? Valentine's nonsense - flowers! chocolate! dinner! elephant bags? coupon books!! What kind of vacations did you take as a kid? Melissa brought her kid's tix to see her favorite performer - and will force them to like it. Neil Diamond is amazing, but not for everyone. Did you see concerts as a kid? What were your favorites? Jess and Melissa reminisce about a college spring break. In closing - a sad mom story and Melissa is a terrible joke teller. Happy Valentine’s Day!! Please Connect With Us On Social Media: Facebook Twitter Instagram Email