Awaken The Guardian

Desire, Plan, and Execute With Nate Bailey | 149



In this episode of the Tactical Businessman Gerrit interviews Nate Bailey. Nate is a Public Speaker, Podcaster, Coach, and Author of 100 Mile Mindset. As the Lead Trainer and Lead Coach of the Prosperity Revolution, ManWealth, and Shield Maiden programs, he has had the honor and pleasure of working with hundreds of men and women who are doing just that – focusing on creating a better life for themselves and their families. He is here today to talk about how creating a plan and executing it is the key to success. If you would like to know more Nate and his work, you can visit If you would like a free copy of Nate’s book visit Do you struggle to find the time to invest in yourself, family, AND your business? It doesn't have to be that way. Find out more at: -- The Tactical Businessman is a podcast committed to one thing: Empowering people to find the answers they already know exists. Ge