Justin Mohr Show

James Grant on the Economy and Negative Interest Rates!



James Grant, in a recent interview, discusses what he sees going on in the U.S. economy. James makes the point that in 5,000 years of world history negative interest rates have never happened before!  This is how absurd negative interest rates are!  This is the end game before the entire global economy unfolds and leads to a massive collapse. Having all of your assets denominated in a fiat currency like the U.S. Dollar is a very risky move. James Grant is a legend and his views on the economy definitely confirms the views that have been discussed on this show since it began.  You don’t want to miss this episode to hear what James Grant says and here’s a link to this very interview. http://www.fuw.ch/article/the-fed-is-now-hostage-to-wall-street/