Inspiring Personal Development Interviews With Salespeople, Trainers, Coaches & Authors. Gary Vaynerchuk, Mel Robbins, Grant

TMT Communication is Key. Your Clients Crave it and it Shows You Care!



Communicate with your clients often Your clients will appreciate that you contacted them regardless of the situation Lack of communication is a form of call reluctance Call your sellers and get a price reduction Call your clients and wish them Happy Holidays   Excerpt The Sales Playbook  - Get a copy at   The cornerstone of customer experience is communication. People want to know what’s going on. They want to know you haven’t forgotten about them. Whether you work with the same customers on an ongoing basis or you sell one-o products and services, communication is crucial for supporting a steady stream of revenue. In real estate, it was pretty common for people to say they never heard from their agents, especially when the home was not selling. Many agents will avoid calling the sellers because they did not know how to deal with the bad news. The problem with this is your customer is wondering what is going on and ultimately thinks you don’t care. Personally, I feel this is another f