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MM111: Mallie Rydzik- Effective In Person Networking



Today we’re talking about the thing that likely strikes fear into your work-from-home heart - networking. You know, the kind that involves putting on pants and leaving your house. Mallie from the Systems Scientist breaks it all down for us and shares her results in today’s episode. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Mallie shares what she’s been doing using in person networking and how she worked herself up to doing it Mallie is all about systems, so she shares what system she uses for managing her in person networking Scheduling time after an event for follow up is really important Finding your niche for in person events is as important as finding your niche online; if you just go to any entrepreneur event, it might not be the type of people you would work with. Mallie explains how she did her research Mallie shares the results she’s seen since she started in person networking Connecting the dots