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MM120: Ellen Ercolini: Grow Your Business with a Quiz



Who doesn’t love a quiz? But how do you use quizzes in your business strategically and not in a way that dilutes or damages your brand, or attracts totally wrong for you people to your door?  Guest Ellen Ercolini joins us today to share what’s working now with her quiz. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Ellen tells us a little about her online quiz, what it’s about, and what you’ll find out from taking it Ellen shares what you get along with the results of your quiz, the results aren’t the only thing that matters, people want to know what to do with the results We learn why Ellen’s process of creating her quiz took 6 months and how she tested it out and made changes to make her quiz hugely useful You don’t want a ‘cosmo quiz’ or ‘buzzfeed quiz’, you want it to be unique and give the readers something they don’t know about themselves so it feels personal The quiz is an opt in, remember the same ru