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MM131: Jen Berson: Generating PR for Your Business



PR is something I regularly get asked about, and it’s because it’s a mystery to most of us as business owners. In this episode, Jen Berson, founder of Jeneration PR helps demystify some PR basics for entrepreneurs. Listen in to hear her pro pitching tips and tricks. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: If we’re new to PR, Jen recommends where we should get started Jen shares the biggest mistake entrepreneurs tend to make when doing their own PR When writing a pitch, you have to read the outlet that you’re pitching for, don’t just mass pitch Make sure you follow up on your pitches, it can get lost in the shuffle of email Jen shares her advice on how to try and make a human connection with the person on the other side of your email when you pitch Success is adding value, treating each relationship like something you want to add value to will really help them bloom and may come back to you when the tim