Desperate Mothers

044 - Drone Apprentices



Metal mariachi band, Force Friday, shopping online, the shopping generation, old early adopters, Wal-Mart could put Amazon out of business if it wanted, produce intelligence tests, Adam and his drone, cosplay that is too close to home, drone fights, weapons for drones, sky wedge, signing waivers, drones with roomba brains, NSA listeners, the heartiness of drones, the new fantastic movie that wasn't, crushing BB-8, is the droid the new Jar Jar Binks? nerdichlorians, cease and desists, Gungan cosplays, evil astromechs, and robot apprentices, Disney convention breakaways, petting zoo, new space movie land at the magical kingdom, Gungan Bongo Adventure, roadtrip to DisneyWorld, roadside attractions, house of fruit, apps for tracking roadside distractions, eating negative reviews, various challenges, chicken lies, fruitkake, this week's movie picks.