Lainey Gossip Sasha Answers

Trust Your Vagina & Friend Code



Welcome back to the first What's Your Drama of the New Year. Wish I could say Lainey kicked it off with some positivity. Nope, instead she told me the worst thing she could ever tell me. Please. By all means, listen and tell me if you think she's being a good friend.Then it's time to get to your drama. First up we hear from "Aurelia" who is stuck in the friend zone because the man she's crushing on wants children and Aurelia wants no more. Does she cut it off even though she really likes the dude or does she ride it out to see if he changes his mind?Next, it's onto "Olivia" who is stuck in a relationship that is not mentally or physically stimulating. Oh and yeah, one other tidbit: she's crushing on her professor. Pretty sure you know where our advice is going on this one....Finally, we end on "Lindsey" who is thinking about doing her friend dirty. Lindsey just broke up with her boyfriend and now she has eyes for her friend's man. Is she allowed to tap that if they break up? Or does she have to suck it up and