Take Back Your Health Now! With Dr Dan Margolin

13: Foraging May be the Health Skill You Are Missing — “Wildman” Steve Brill



“Widman” Steve Brill teaches adults and kids about the many common, overlooked, renewable wild edible and medicinal plants and mushrooms that people often destroy as “weeds.” By studying foraging and participating in nature in this non-destructive manner, we can increase our enjoyment of nature, grow healthier, and reaffirm our commitment to preserving and rebuilding our ecological riches. It’s especially important for kids to have such experiences, and his 10-year old foraging expert daughter, Violet, often co-leads his tours.   THE PURPOSE of this hands-on program is to learn about the environment and get back in touch with nature. By studying foraging and nature, we enjoy our renewable resources and reaffirm our commitment to preserving and rebuilding our ecological riches.