Take Back Your Health Now! With Dr Dan Margolin

107: Why Psychotropics Aren't Fixing the Problem | Dr. Toby Watson



​Dr. Watson became Clinical Director and owner of Associated Psychological Health Services in 2005, a local outpatient clinic operating for nearly 20 years. He added the R.E.A.Ch. -V.I.P. program (Recovery of Emotionally Abused Children with Volunteers in Psychotherapy), modeled by the late Dr. Kevin McCready (R.E.A.Ch.) and Richard Schulman, Ph.D. (V.I.P), whereby those without any financial support could obtain free clinical services for volunteering their time in the nonprofit local community.   Dr. Watson has provided testimony to the Food and Drug Administration regarding ECT and SSRI induced suicide, he was an invited guest speaker and lecturer to the Congress of Mexico (speaking upon children's mental health and the possible link between psychiatric medications and violence), he has appeared on several national television networks (Oprah, Family Network, etc...) speaking about child behavioral disorders being treated by psychological intervention as a first line of defense (as opposed to psychiatric m