More Than A Whelan

Caitlin Saunders



Performance poet Caitlin Saunders joins me under the disco ball in Castaway Studios for a chat about imaginary friends, favourite words and poetry! Check out the video for My Honest Poem, which was a year in the making! Produced by Rat Race Visual Media.Many thanks to Jaymee Leyana for providing the creative prompt 'Make-up Remover and Maccas' which inspired my poem this week and became title. Both Jaymee and Caitlin were special guests at the More Than A Whelan live show at Merri Creek Tavern, dedicated to the theme of melancholy. You can also see more of Jaymee's work on her Instagram page. Also many thanks to Cameron Semmens for the prompt 'Intergalactic Elephants' and Kim Jeffs for the prompt 'Frost Fractals.'Make-up Remover and MaccasJust under the lip of a freeway overpass on Eastlink there resides a Catalogue Spiritghost. Catalogue spiritghosts or Catagods as they referred to in the biz, place themselves in high traffic areas for humans and they watch and catalogue their daily toils. And the end of the