Watkins Media

Rose Elliot and her Experience With Buddhism



Listen to this podcast with Rose Elliot MBE on her book 'I Met A Monk'. Rose Elliot is Britain's most-respected vegetarian cookery writer who frequently contributes to national magazines, gives cookery demonstrations and broadcasts on radio and television. She was awarded an MBE for services to vegetarian cookery. Rose was brought up in a spiritual environment. Her grandmother, Grace Cooke, was the medium for White Eagle and founded the White Eagle Lodge based on his teachings. Some years ago, Rose heard a Buddhist monk speaking about the Four Noble Truths and that you could write everything you need to know about Buddhism on the back of a postcard... this inspired her meditation practice, her writing, and her interest in Buddhism. Listen to Rose speak about: *Her experience of a monk visiting her house. *How to use mindfulness meditation in everyday life. *The Buddhist approach to neutralising suffering. *How to handle difficult emotions such as anger, hatred, fear. *What Buddhism has to say on happine