Loi Weekly

LOI Weekly S02E33 with Sean Gannon, Darragh Leahy, Ian Bermingham and David Cawley



Leaves get browner, evenings get shorter and teenage boys start to glaze over, because every autumn we do an outside broadcast and EA Sports launch the annual upgrade of their FIFA game. Wounded gunslinger, Johnny Ward, gets the miranda rights from twitter over last night’s Hobangate on the wireless while Sheriff Dan does verbal high fives with Sean Gannon after Dundalk all but secure this year's title and maybe next year’s too? We nab Ian Bermingham to get his two cents on the departure of manager Liam Buckley, Darragh Leahy on the greatest Bohemian revolution since the 1989 Velvet Revolution in…Bohemia (look it up) and David Cawley on the season in Sligo, which, by the way, was never in Czechoslovakia. We have Rovers' revival, the Dutch Gold Cup, LOI lunatics, RTA premonitions and the big semi final on Sunday! Oh, and go and do a better review than this and you may end up getting your digital arse handed to you by 10 year old Ronaldos. Yes, “It’s in the game”!