Tell Somebody

The Rachel Corrie Story, and Eyewitness to Revolution, pt. 2



March 16th marks the sixth anniversary of Rachel Corrie's death in Gaza after being run over by an American-supplied Israeli bulldozer.  The play My Name is Rachel Corrie opens at the Unicorn Theater in Kansas City on March 19th.  On this edition of Tell Somebody, you'll hear some comments former CIA analyst Ray McGovern made about Rachel while he was here in Kansas City in October, 2008, and then an interview with Rachel's parents, Craig and Cindy Corrie, that I recorded when they were here in October 2006. After that, hear the words of Hugo Hakk, young officer in the Army of Czar Nicholas, in part two of the multi-part Eyewitness to the February Revolution.  Hakk is on leave from the Eastern front in February, 1917, and finds himself in Petrograd (St. Petersburg) in the days leading up to the revolution.