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Local Single Payer Healthcare Action & Kansas City WMD Gets Rubberstamped Again



Local activists working for single-payer healthcare are the main focus of this week's show, but we start with a little coverage of WMD in Kansas City.  Most people don't know that a plant in Kansas City produces about 85% of the components for the United States' nuclear weapons arsenal.  The General Services Administration and the National Nuclear Security Administration have teamed up with private developers,  compliant Kansas City politicians, the KC Planned Industrial Expansion Authority (PIEA)- a state chartered quasi-city agency - and the Lathrop & Gage law firm  to come up with a $600 million + Kansas City tax-abated, PIEA-owned new WMD components plant built in a soybean field they contrived to have designated as "blighted." We have some short excerpts from the latest PIEA hearing, where boosters speak and power-point at length, and critics, including a former employee charging poor work place hazard handling are removed by security. After that, we listen to Dee Berry and Mary Lindsay, local activ