Tell Somebody

Honduras, KC Tax Abatement, & Healthcare Town Hall Mtg



On this edition of Tell Somebody, we start out with what Kansas City, MO public library director and former regional bank CEO Crosby Kemper had to say to the Planned Industrial Expansion Authority about out-of-control tax abatement. Next, Sen. Claire McCaskill held a town hall meeting on healthcare reform in Kansas City on August 24, and we'll hear a few minutes from that.  (If you like, you can listen to the whole one-hour event here: Sen. Claire McCaskill (D, MO) Healthcare Townhall Meeting And last, but not least, the second half of the show is about post-coup Honduras.  Alice Kitchen and Judy Ancel were part of a Global Exchange Delegation to Honduras, August 7-15, 2009, and they came to Tell Somebody to tell you about their experience there. (You can read/download a pdf of their report here: Report on the Honduran Coup by Global Exchange Delegation Tom Klammer