Tell Somebody

Robert Parry of Consortium News talks to Tell Somebody



The December 14, 2010 edition of Tell Somebody features a conversation with journalist Robert Parry. Robert Parry covered Washington for more than three decades for news organizations including the Associated Press and Newsweek, led the way in exposing the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980s (as well as breaking stories on contra-cocaine trafficking, the Iraq-gate scandal and the October Surprise controversy regarding Republican misconduct in Election 1980). But he couldn’t abide a mainstream U.S. news media that increasingly shied away from telling difficult truths. He refused to play the career games to get ahead. In 1995, Parry started the first Internet investigative magazine,, to create a home for well-reported journalism that defied Washington’s timorous and vapid “conventional wisdom.” For 14 years, the Web site has delivered consistently high-quality articles on important topics to millions of readers around the world. Click on the the pod icon above or the .mp3 filename below to liste