Tell Somebody

From the Archive - Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist Peter Arnett



"...and 9/11 happened in front of their faces, I mean you just look out the window and there are these buildings tumbling down, and the news people took it personally and were reacting to in the sense that they felt that, sort of  revenge, or preventing another attack was really necessary." Peter Arnett speaking about the failure of journalists during the leadup to the invasion of Iraq on a January 2006 edition of Tell Somebody  "...and we have remained at war ever since, visiting upon our enemies the vengeance they were due, and providing for the American people the common defense they demand." Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Admiral Mike Mullen speaking on the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. KKFI and Pacifica coverage of the 10th anniversary of 9/11 demonstrated that is actually is possible to look back at 9/11 without giving deferential and uncritical airtime to the likes of Dick Cheney and Rudy Giulliani, and without swamping thoughtful rememberance and reflection with the plague of phony, jingoistic "patriotism