Tell Somebody

Rumsfeld Mic-Checked & Kansas City Nuclear Weapons Debate at City Hall



The February 28, 2012 edition of Tell Somebody featured Donald Rumsfeld's appearance at the Truman Library in Independence, MO and a hearing at the Kansas City MO City Council Planning, Zoning, and Economic Development committee debating two ballot initiatives: "Calling an election on June 5, 2012, for the purpose of submitting an ordinance proposed by initiative to require the City to prepare a plan, updated annually, for the use of property used for the manufacture of components for nuclear weapons when that use ceases; directing the City Clerk to provide notice of the election; and recognizing an emergency." and "Calling an election on June 5, 2012, for the purpose of submitting an ordinance proposed by initiative to require the City to remove itself from financial involvement in the production of nuclear weapons components; directing the City Clerk to provide notice of the election; and recognizing an emergency." Click on the the pod icon above or the .mp3 filename below to listen to the show, or right-cl