Tell Somebody

Looking Back to 2005- Saving a Little Iraqi Girl’s Eyesight



Late in 2005, I got an email with a link to an Orlando Sentinel article reprinted on with the headline “Orlando holds hope for young war victim,” about a beautiful 2 year old girl name Alaa.  In May, 2005, her two brothers and three of her cousins were killed and she and her mother were injured when an American tank shell hit their home in western Iraq.  Tiny bits of shrapnel lodged in her eyes, and, in December 2005, she was in Orlando with her father in hopes of saving one of her eyes.  A number of people, notably Alan Pogue and Cole Miller of and Ashley Severance, then a law student in Orlando, brought Alaa and her father to the U.S. and arranged lodging and medical care. For the Thanksgiving 2013 edition of Tell Somebody,  I re-aired my 2005 conversations with Alan Pogue and Ashley Severance, and gave a little bit of an update. This page and the podcast are produced and maintained by Tell Somebody  and may or may not reflect the edition of the show broadcast on the radio