The Team Coaching Zone Podcast: Coaching | Teams | Leadership | Dr. Krister Lowe

117: Dr. Paul White: How to Keep Teams Feeling Valued in a Remote Workplace



TCZ Episode #117: Dr. Paul White: How to Keep Teams Feeling Valued in a Remote Workplace In an agile and less hierarchical world, teams are ever more reliant on motivating each other over and above relying on their team leader. Appreciation is one of the fastest ways to make someone feel valued but we don't all speak the same language. Especially at a time when most are working remotely and having to dig deep to build team resilience. My guest today really does have the data to help teams and organizations to get this right. Dr Paul White is a psychologist, leadership trainer and co-author of the Five Languages of Appreciation at Work based on the international best seller by his co-author Gary Chapman on The Five Love Languages. In this punchy 40 minute episode Paul and I explore Why appreciation matters over and above employee recognition How to recognise the 5 language of appreciation in yourself and others The impact of appreciation on team effectiveness What differences the research shows for remote tea