Front Row Podcast From Swallow Hill Music

Swallow Hill Music Podcast - Harry Tuft



Harry grew up singing and playing a series of instruments – from the piano to the clarinet, ukulele, baritone uke, and, in college, a six-string guitar. Philadelphia's lively folk scene provided the setting for Harry's first ventures into public singing. From there, friendships with Dick Weissman and Roger Abrahams fostered a growing interest in Anglo-American folk music. In 1960, needing a break from his studies (preparing for an architectural career), Harry traveled out to the Rocky Mountains for some skiing. He found a job at "The Holy Cat" in Georgetown, as a dishwasher, busboy, waiter, bartender, janitor, and – if there was a lull in the work at night – he could sing in the bar. There he met Hal Neustaedter – owner of "The Exodus," a folk club in Denver – who suggested that he look into starting a folklore center in Denver. With further encouragement from Izzy Young, owner of the first and (then) only Folklore Center, in New York's Greenwich Village, Harry opened the Denver Folklore Center in March 1962.