World Wide Technology - Tec37

2. AIOps and App Loyalty



As the world evolves and becomes more remote, an app often serves as the only way a customer communicates. They bank, communicate, research, entertain and manage everything through the aperture of an “application.” This new interaction model puts the app front and center, making app loyalty the new brand loyalty. So, gone are the days of monitoring and managing apps in isolated silos, and welcome to a world where creating enterprise architectures to serve and create unified visibility into the app is the new reality. In this episode (part 1 of 3), Robb Boyd along with WWT’s Tanner Bechtel and AppDynamics’ Gregg Ostrowski, dive into what AIOps is and the current state of your brand. Click here to watch the video version of this episode:    TEC37 Video Version Related content: The Future of AIOps is Here AIOps in the Real World