World Wide Technology - Tec37

10. A Holistic Approach to Cybersecurity



Business and technology executives are challenged with aligning business goals, increased dependence on technology and the responsibility to secure the organizations most important assets. As any breach report can attest, this is a complicated task that requires a balance of understanding the business risks and goals, managing technology tied into the responsibility to secure the organization and its assets.  That is why it is critical that organizations stop being focused on specific solutions and start looking at their organization holistically. How can organizations holistically be secure?  In this new TEC37 episode from World Wide Technology, our experts Geoff Hancock and Warren Perils, along with Shena Seneca Tharnish from Comcast, will discuss the elements that make up an enterprise wide security program and how this program impact every aspect of the organization. They will also discuss traditional cyber operations and compare it to how some organizations are being more proactive with how they approach