World Wide Technology - Tec37

27. Digital Workspace – Ready for Reopening



Many companies are actively evaluating and testing technologies that can help them keep employees and visitors safe in workplaces and public spaces when they reopen. There are a lot of possibilities, but what is truly viable and necessary? WWT experts Joe Berger and Kait Miller, along with Arnaud Caigniet from Cisco, discuss what organizations are planning for, and how to prioritize various technologies. We’ll take a look at IoT, office hoteling, shared space management, sensors and occupancy monitoring technologies that are being used to reopen offices and shared spaces. Panelists: Joe Berger, WWT Kait Miller, WWT Arnaud Caigniet, Cisco Robb Boyd, Host WWT Resources: Why Workforce Personas are Key to Reopening Offices Hybrid Work Envisioning Workshop Top Reasons Why Smart Cameras are Smart Investments Video: Using Smart Cameras with Analytics for Public Places IT Considerations for Reopening Workplaces Briefing Solutions for Reopening and Returning to Work