Giving Up Normal

Tips to Help You Plan Your Day [EP:94]



Do you ever go through the day just trying to keep up? Does it feel like you're running late and can't keep up? Does time get away from you? It is easy for the day to become hectic and to feel like you don't have enough time. But there are a few simple things that can help you plan your day to make it go as smooth as possible. Tips to Help You Plan Your Day Many people have said that a successful day starts the night before and there are a few things you can do before your day even begins: Look at the day ahead of time. This way you are not caught off guard by surprises and can plan thoughtfully and not on the fly. Make decisions the night before. Take the guess work out of as many things as possible and save yourself precious time and mental energy by making simple decisions the night before. For instance, what will you wear? What's for dinner? What will your workout be for the day? Whatever helps you get moving and keeps you moving! Connect with the people who will be part of your day. Have an appointment w