Preaching In Pumps | Sermons By Rev. Sarah E. Weaver

2.9.2020 - Let's Talk About Love



No, not the Celine Dion song, although you better believe I listened to it while I was writing my sermon this week! This scripture was actually the catalyst for this sermon series looking at 1 Corinthians in the first place.  I wanted to explore some of the "love" passages in the Bible that we know so well to help us, as a congregation, as we continue to figure out how to best love God, love one another and then love others.  Though not at all planned, the timing was perfect in light of Valentine's Day this week! We only have one more week left in this sermon series and then it's Mardi Gras, Lent (I think I'm going to follow the RCL for Lent) and then I'm having a baby!  I cannot believe that at the end of Lent, I will (hopefully) be preaching Easter and then will be off on maternity leave for 10 weeks.  This pregnancy flew by! Enjoy ...  -Sarah