Curious With Calvin Wayman

Ep64-What Got You Here Won’t Get You There With Chris Duncan



If you follow me on the podcast or on social media, chances are you’re like me—you’re a “crazy one.”   You’re someone who is actually crazy enough to believe that you can change the world.   That might lead you into being a creator, or an entrepreneur.   And that’s great! Pursuing your calling is not only noble, but courageous.   After getting started the question becomes, “now what?”   How do you grow whatever you’ve started?   How do you take it from one level to the next level?   Whether that’s taking your idea to execution, or your “pretty okay” business to something scalable, how do you actually go about do that?   If this dilemma sounds familiar, than I couldn’t think of a better way to start your week than with today’s conversation with my man Chris Duncan.   Here’s the main theme of the conversation: what got you here won’t get you there.   Grab your coffee, and let’s dive in!   #StayCurious