Online Course Connections With Vickie Maris

Livestream Basics for Church Pastors | Coaching Call



Listen in on a group coaching call in Episode 34 of Agile Digital Business, in which podcast host, Vickie Maris, was invited to be a guest presenter and coach. She was speaking with a group of Methodist pastors in Indiana about the basics of livestreaming a church service. Below are the show notes and time codes for this episode: 0:00 Introduction to Episode 34 of Agile Digital Business: Live Stream Basics for Church Pastors "Pastors are interested to learn more about how to engage with their participants in an online environment, and how to market the fact that worship services have moved online." - Vickie Maris 1:41 Episode Sponsor - 3-Session Group Coaching: Introduction to Livestreaming and Engaging in Social Media Sessions are 75 minutes each Jan. 8, 2021; 8 pm Jan. 15, 2021; 8 pm Jan. 22, 2021; 8 pm 3:00 Start of the coaching group call 4:35 Vickie provides background about the niche where she has been focused in recent years - how to incorporate social media