The Big Questions With Adam Spencer

What does future crime look like?



How do you protect yourself against Cyber Crime? Marc Goodman is a New York Times Best-Selling author and global strategist focused on the profound change technology is having on security, business and international affairs. He is the founder of the Future Crimes Institute and has built his expertise in international cyber-crime and terrorism working with organisations including INTERPOL, the UN Counterterrorism Task Force, NATO and the US Government. We chatted to Marc at Singularity U* and asked him, What does future crime look like? *The Singularity University is a global community using exponential technologies to tackle the world’s biggest challenges, like what impact will Artificial Intelligence, robotics etc. have on the world in which we live? Adam recently MC’d the Singularity U event in Sydney, and got access to a bunch of big brains from around the world, in a big hall discussing big ideas … we went along and asked them some Big Questions. Connect with Adam Spencer at: