Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

99: 5 Common MISTAKES Christian Women Make When Setting Weight Loss & Fitness Goals



I’ve made many mistakes throughout my health and fitness journey as a Christian woman and I see the same mistakes happening all the time with other Believers. The good news is that once you become aware of what these mistakes are it will shift your thinking. And with the help of the Holy Spirit your footsteps will walk toward a different direction. When it comes to setting weight loss and fitness goals as a Christian woman the goal is to be spirit-led versus self-led. Join me in today’s episode and get familiar with the 5 common mistakes Christian women make when setting weight loss and fitness goals: #1 Chases after aesthetics & ambition #2 Separates faith from fitness #3 Idolizes Instagram success & transformation #4 Puts her worth in her body shape #5 Conforms to worldly standards & secular success Come back for the next episode where I share 5 bonus mistakes women make when pursuing weight loss and fitness goals. Stay Courageous & Fit, Jaclyn ************* Are you looking for faith-filled