Container Podcast

Container Podcast [04] Manuel Grippa



[CONTAINER PODCAST] [04] [MANUEL GRIPPA] Manuel, born in 1982, always had a big interest for every kind of music. His passion for electronic music began at the age of 16 following UK Idm scene and artists like Autechre and Aphex Twin. From that point he never stopped discovering new artists, vibes and compositions. Later he started studying some digital way to create sounds with the most popular softwares, and to complete his knoweledge he picked an analogue drum machine. After some years spent into italian warehouse party scene, he moved to Berlin where he directely met clubkultur and new dimensions of sounds that completely fascinated him. As a huge collector of music Manuel is always buying tracks in every format, he believe that electronic sounds recalls music at his purest and naked form. His dj-sets are a mixture of rhytmic sequencies, ambient structures and tribal atmospheres. Tracklist: Mika Vainio - Unien Holvit Planetary Assault Systems - Beauty In The Fear Phase - Behind The Sun Cio d'Or - Orga